The real question for a business is does great timing result from intentionally applying “Revenue Science™” or is it just “the right place, at the right time, with the right stuff” – in other words, LUCK?
We have all seen situations that work out well like Fred Smith (FedEx). Fred had to do a paper for an Econ class and outlined the FedEx business model that he later successfully launched.
We have all seen situations like the Dymaxion Car designed and build by Buckminster Fuller one of the great thinkers of the last 100 years but because of an accident, fear and the self-interest of a powerful politician plus a big dose of bad luck the Dymaxion Car raced into utter failure from sure victory.
Is Netflix just in the right place at the right time to pick up the pieces from Blockbuster or is it “Revenue Science™” at its best?
Rarely is any person or team so wise that they can perfectly see from today to the future so they arrive at the right place at the right time with the right stuff based on their original strategy. That is why so many great successes are built on top of failures large and small.
Seldom is the original strategy the winning strategy, which is why the military says “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy.” That is why the Marines who do great strategy and planning live by “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome”.
Business is not different from the military and all great strategies get great surprises when they go to the market. Often the first product fails but uncovers an offshoot the compels the market. Often things designed for the military or corporate environments become toys or games.
“Revenue Science™” is the foundation that makes Improvise, Adapt and Overcome real and easier for those in business than any other options available. This results in ongoing continuous improvement no matter the original strategy or what happens in the market.
There is no question every CEO takes advantage of LUCK and fortuitous market bubbles as much as they are challenged by bad luck and unexpected market chaos. The difference is how well they Improvise, Adapt and Overcome.
Organizations with a “Revenue Science™” culture take advantage of both market good luck and market bad luck. Most organizations faced with bad market conditions or luck withdraw, scale back or give up as opposed to those science-based cultures who Improvise, Adapt and Overcome in the difficult times to dominate as things improve.
Don’t hope the timing is right! Use “Revenue Science™” to make the timing right no matter what.
“Revenue Science™” creates the greatest growth from your
Marketing, Selling, and Delivery resources deployed.
Contact Us to learn about “Revenue Science™”
deployment and certification.