(800) 757-8377 x701 rick.mcpartlin@therevenuegame.com

Revenue Science™ Certification

Predictably Increase Profits by 20% to 50% Within 6 to 12 Months


Revenue Science™ is an organized systematic and repeatable way to determine revenue cycles, and decrease the cost of chaos with such precision that you can see rapid decreases in your cost of sales and increases in profit within weeks and months.

Here’s your chance to have a conversation with Rick

about Revenue Science™ Certification

The predictability of Revenue Science™ is so precise that it will take your marketing, planning, sales and implementation to new levels.

Revenue Science™ delivers results in the way Six Sigma delivered results when it transformed manufacturing, supply chain and logistics in the 20th Century. 

Those who didn’t deploy Six Sigma or a similar discipline became insignificant and disappeared. Today any organization who does not learn and deploy Revenue Science™ will suffer the same fate.

A Revenue Strategy very specifically is based on Revenue Science™. Your or your team’s job is to get the best strategy in place that is DEPLOYABLE in the real world and then measure and continuously improve the deployment. We will show you how to do this step-by-step during the certification.

You will learn Chief Revenue Officer Thinking and create the Revenue Process-Road-Map (or PRM) that your senior leadership can look at to measure results and predict future outcomes and hold the organization responsible for those outcomes.

Unlike other areas of business that have narrow certification applications like Microsoft technicians, tax accountants, HR professions, etc., Revenue Science™ impacts and is impacted by every person in the company.

It is rare that there is any employee who does not have an impact on Revenue Generation.

Revenue Generation is an organization wide effort that governs the level of success achieved, so it is important that Revenue Science™ become cultural.

The best way to make Revenue Science™ cultural is to make the deployment of Revenue Science™ habitual for the people. The best way to do that is to first certify the core team members in Revenue Science™.

Level 1 Certification

Level 1 Certification of Revenue Science™ is CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) Thinking.

Certification covers the specific language and body of knowledge practiced by Revenue Science™ professionals in the same way doctors, astronauts, football teams and lawyers use certain words, models, metrics and methods to be sure their work is delivered as perfectly as possible at every execution point organization wide. This creates specific outcomes in the short-term and predictable strategic outcomes for the long-term.

CRO Thinking is the foundation for universal language, tools, metrics, and models. But thinking alone does not assure the required strategic outcomes. Revenue Science™ execution, like in medical, legal and the NFL requires a lot of practice for the individuals and the team.

Level 2 Certification 

Level 2 Certification of Revenue Science™ is aligned deployment of CRO Thinking in the real world to achieve the required outcomes.

Those certified in Revenue Science™ like those in Medicine and Accountancy learn to apply the foundation elements guided by norms and ethics.

Level 2 is where each person practices the deployment aligned with the customer, patient, or client to learn the real-world application of the science. Doctors have internships, accountants do audits to learn all phases of organizational accounting and those in Revenue Science™ do Level 2 certification to learn real-time application of the science. Doctors have internships, accountants do audits to learn all phases of organizational accounting and those in Revenue Science™ do Level 2 certification to learn real-time application of the science.

Revenue Science™ just like other professions attains certification by demonstrating mastery of the science in the real-world within the norms, methodologies, principles and ethics of the profession. Since the business world is in constant and rapid change, certification lasts for 12 months from the certification date or the end of CEU (Continuing Education Unit attainment).

The 3 functional areas of your organization requiring certification are the c-suite (the strategic leadership team), the operational leadership team (head of sales, marketing, controllers, customer service, product development, etc.) and execution teams (sales, marketing, product engineering, proposal development, etc.). This is where making Revenue Science™ becomes habitual and embedded in the culture.

After these 3 functions have been certified in Levels 1 & 2 there are immediate benefits like reduced “Cost of Chaos” and predictable top line growth with a higher margin requiring less investment. 

Based on that short-term outcome many organizations not only require the CEUs but will expand the staff to be certified and additional certification areas based on opportunities or challenges.

The answer to “Why Revenue Science™ Certification?” for any organization is to survive and thrive in this complex constantly changing business world.. 

The answer to “WHO should be certified in Revenue Science™?” are those 3 functional groups (listed above) first, and then the whole organization over time.

Click the link below to have a conversation with Rick

about Revenue Science™ Certification

Revenue Science™ is about intentional, predictable and controllable growth of both sales and profitability and has consistently increased profitable growth by 20% to 50%.

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