(800) 757-8377 x701 rick.mcpartlin@therevenuegame.com

Today we bring you a “classic” from Revenue Science™!


“What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.” was noted by Ralph Waldo Emerson over 130 years ago, before Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, yet it is still true today!

Taglines, elevator pitches, catchphrases and often brand promises are created to sound cool, new, innovative or safe.  People sit in rooms, hire ad agencies and consultants to make this stuff up with the intent of grabbing the prospect and motivating them to buy before they get a chance to experience “what you do” and compare the two.

It would not surprise Emerson that prospects always compare “what you do” with “what you’re saying” to determine who they trust with their money and future.

In Emerson’s day, those prospects were used to doing business within walking distance of their home.  Often those merchants within walking distance had been doing business family to family for generations.  With that long relationship history almost, everything was transparent.  Those in Emerson’s community knew who over-promised and under-delivered, who charged too much, who stood behind their work and who delivered on time.

Today’s prospective customer believes they know the answers to those questions because of Facebook, five-star ratings and online surveys addressing the details about products and businesses the prospect has never had personal contact or experience with.

This disconnect between “what you say” and “what you do” often is obvious even when someone first meets you.  While you claim to be there to help them, you talk almost all the time.  You tell the listener the facts, what is true, what they should do next and how trusting you, will lead to a great life.

The disconnect between “what you say” and “what you do” often is obvious when you send an email.  Get out a yellow marker and highlight each time the email has I, me, my, your name or any other first-person reference to you, your company or your product.

Do you demo your product or service to show the listener how their world can be better if they just see your demo and follow your recommendations?  Or do you take the time to learn what the listener values, what problems they are compelled to solve and the value they place on achieving their goals before you give the listener a preview of what the world would look like if you worked together to establish a buyer-focused outcome of great value?

Does your proposal to the prospective buyer lay out the details of what you will do if they just give you money?

Think about the voicemails you leave.  Do you want something from the listener or are you bringing something of value to them?

Never send a letter or email or make a call or leave a message that you are not sure brings value to the listener.  Never ask someone to do something that is not adding value for them.

The exercises of removing first person from written documents and always communicating when you are sure the message adds value to the receiver completely changes the intent and flow of the communications – resulting in a new partnership-based relationship.

This aligns “what you say” and “what you do”.  If you say I want to be your partner and then always communicate from the listener’s point of view and deliver messages valued by the listener, you are on the road to a trusted partnership.  When you align your Revenue RoadMap with your listener focused message, you are on track to “having what you do speak so loudly you don’t have to say much.”


Please Note: Since this blog post first ran two years ago, we have updated our CRO Thinking Certification Course and now offer Revenue Urgent Care as well. Check out the links below to learn more about achieving your business success.


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