Susan Daniels
Partner, Media Point Design

Susan’s original love and educational journey was in advertising design. She has always been a strong advocate and facilitator for moving forward with technology in every job she has ever held. Susan was responsible for learning and implementing systems and helping to train others within several organizations. She was the domain and email administrator for her company and a valued member of the IT Committee. Susan was responsible for company advertising which involved not only content but design and publishing.
With 39 years in the workforce, she has acquired strong skills in facilitating and managing team workload, government reporting deadlines, implementation of regulations, and the deliverables for a utility company and an education facilitator.
The skills and determination Susan has brought to Media Point Design have allowed her to continue this strong foundation for her team with website design, digital marketing assessment, strategy and implementation, social media management and marketing, blogging and the training for clients in website maintenance and social media.
Focused Areas of Practice | |
Details of Practice | |
We share Revenue Science™ with clients to allow them to find their alignment and begin their journey down the path to profitable revenue. We promise our clients the opportunity through a digital marketing engine that delivers qualified suspects, of the right kind, at the right time, in the right amount, so the client can grow sales and profits. We work with consultants and small to medium corporations who need a world class digital presence to attract and manage clients and deal flow without the overhead. Our clients run their business with a growth mindset and understand that they need digital technology to meet their goals – they are compelled to build a continuous improvement digital engine to achieve those goals. We perform a Digital Marketing Strategy assessment and define a customized Digital Marketing Engine to be implemented over time and work in a partnership with our clients to achieve their sales and revenue goals. Revenue Science™ Certified with emphasis on Digital Marketing Assessment, Digital Marketing Strategy and Digitial Marketing Implementation. |
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Contact Information Phone: (607) 377-9983 |